
Dental 3D Scanner

Dental Scanners have become an ongoing trend in the dental industry and the use is only getting larger.

Our scanner is a hand held device used to directly create digital impressions of the oral cavity. Then a 3D model is processed by the scanning software and displayed on the screen. This promotes highly accurate details of the teeth through high quality images.

The advantages of the scanner are plenty. There is no discomfort to the patient. No placing of trays in the mouth, no impressions are required. It is fast and saves time as the scanned data reaches the lab immediately via the software. It enables the dentist to provide far more accurate information thus resulting in a better fitting prosthesis.


Nitrous Oxide Anaesthesia

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as ‘laughing gas’ or the ‘happy gas’ has remained one of the most widely used anaesthetics in dentistry.

We use it to eliminate anxiety before the procedure as its effects are felt within a few minutes. Our delivery system combines nitrous oxide with pure oxygen thus making it safe and effective causing a happy and relaxed state of mind.

Patient Education

Patient education is an important part of the care we provide in our dental practice.

Explanations regarding your dental treatment are shared with you on screen through before/after images, videos and interactive guides.


Our clinic is equipped with a full mouth panoramic scanning dental X-ray machine.

This takes images of the entire mouth, and being digital produces 80% less radiation than traditional X-rays. Lead aprons are used to protect our staff and patients from any unnecessary radiation exposure. The OPG area walls are also lined with lead for the same purpose.

A panoramic view reveals the hidden secrets of your oral health, detecting infections, gum disease, impacted teeth, fractures, maxillary sinus and TMJ disorders. Being a painless, fast and easy process, it is also extremely advantageous to patients with a sensitive gag reflex.